Please avoid lighting the candle immediately after unpacking. The package has traveled a long, cold journey to get to you, and if the delicate glass heats up too quickly, it could break. We recommend letting it sit at room temperature for about a day before lighting the candle. Thanks so much! ❤️

Message: "We are Family💞"
Product details:
Material: Glass
Size:15oz(420ml) 17oz(500ml)
- Single-sided engraving Candle not included
To make your candle holder shine beautifully, follow these simple steps:
Choose a candle: Place either a real tealight or an electric tealight inside the candle holder. The electric option is great for safety and long-lasting use.
Light it up: If you're using a real candle, carefully light the tealight and place it inside the holder. If you're using an electric tealight, simply switch it on.
Watch the effect: The engraving and any gold or silver effect will become visible and shine through as the candlelight glows, creating a warm and inviting ambiance.
- Enjoy the warm, comforting light!
Please avoid lighting the candle immediately after unpacking. The package has traveled a long, cold journey to get to you, and if the delicate glass heats up too quickly, it could break. We recommend letting it sit at room temperature for about a day before lighting the candle. Thanks so much! ❤️
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- Click "Preview Your Personalization" to get a glimpse of your beautiful creation at the final step.
Please note: This is a one-sided custom printed